
Phytolab provides the following services:

  • development of methods for the extraction, fractionation, isolation and characterisation of natural substances of interest to the biomedical, food, cosmetics and agro-industrial sectors;
  • studies to optimise the stability, technological characteristics and biomedical properties of commercial extracts and preparations based on natural substances; quality and stability control methods, product registration and process patents;
  • improvement and optimization of biopharmaceutical and technological properties of drugs, natural derivatives and plant extracts through conventional and innovative formulations (development of nanocarriers such as liposomes, dendrosomes, nanoemulsions containing substances with biological action);
  • pharmaceutical technology studies of plant extracts and natural constituents for the improvement of bioavailability; methods of authentication, quality and stability control of drugs and plant extracts through qualitative and quantitative analysis.
  • development of new sustainable technologies for the recovery of bio-molecules and energy from secondary and waste products in the agro-industrial sector;
  •  LCA studies and product and process quality and safety management systems.

Current projects

  • PRESSPAD - Processo Di Estrazione Per Prodotti Per L’agricoltura Verde
    Regione Toscana – Programma di Sviluppo Rurale 2014-2020, STRATEGIA INTEGRATA DI SVILUPPO LOCALE DEL GAL F.A.R. Maremma, Bando attuativo della sottomisura 16.2 “Sostegno a progetti pilota e allo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti, pratiche, processi e tecnologie.
  • PIZZAGRICOLA - Una rete regionale biologica e biodinamica innovativa e certificata per la creazione di una filiera agricola per la pizza toscana
    PROGETTO SOTTOMISURA 16.2 - PSR 2014-2022 della Regione Toscana.

Last update



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